Source of Life by Cede Prudente



(10 days of production before shipping)

Photograph Size: A2 Size (42.0 x 59.4 cm)

Material: Photo Rag Paper

Located in the northern part of the island of Borneo, Sabah is one of Malaysia’s thirteen states. It is also one of its most biodiverse, helping Malaysia stay in the list of the top 17 mega-diversity countries in the world. According to the United National Development Programme (UNDP), Malaysia is ranked fourth in the region in biodiversity, and Sabah has a huge role to play in this.

The rich and lush forest reserves of Sabah sprawl over more than half of its total landmass, with most of it being equatorial rainforests. The project for conservation and management of this tropical forest land has been named the Heart of Borneo, supported by the three governments — Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam.

Sabah has varied landscapes, from tall mountains in the Crocker range, to coastal and mangrove forests. Mount Kinabalu, the tallest mountain in the southeast Asian region, at a height of 4,095 metres (nearly 13,450 feet) is in Sabah. So is the Kinabatangan river, the second longest in Malaysia, that flows towards the east coast. The forests in the river valley are home to several wildlife species, including primates such as the orangutan and the proboscis monkey, and the sunda clouded leopard.

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